
Photo of the Week: 21-28 August 2023


European Nightjar by Andreas Gullberg



European Nightjar is a bird typically seen in low light as birds become active at breeding sites at dusk. This means that taking any sort of quality image of a nightjar is a real challenge – especially in Britain, where the species is fairly localised and only scarcely seen on migration. But as Andreas Gullberg's stunning POTW winner shows, that task is a more realistic prospect in southern Sweden, where this bird was photographed on its migration on the small island of Nidingen, off the coast south of Gothenburg. This individual, with its conspicuous white wing flashes and tail sides, as well as active primary moult, is easily identified as a male. Rarely have we seen such a crisp European Nightjar image here at BirdGuides, so we were mightily impressed with Andreas's submission and felt it a worthy winner.


Other notable images


Blue-winged Teal, Tophill Low NR, East Yorkshire (Lee Johnson).

Grey Heron, Walthamstow Wetlands LWT, London (Sam O'Donnell).

Eurasian Sparrowhawk, Robroyston Park LNR, Clyde (Steven Mcgrath).

Little Ringed Plover, Frampton Marsh RSPB, Lincolnshire (Jeremy Eyeons).

Red-necked Phalarope, King's Mill Reservoir, Nottinghamshire (Glyn Sellors).

Black Tern, Hound Point, Lothian (Jarrod Hadfield).

Red-and-white Crake, Intervales State Park, Brazil (Kit Day).

Common Kingfisher, Upton Broad & Marshes NWT, Norfolk (Nick Clayton).

Swallow, Orford, Suffolk (David Naylor).

Rosy Starling, West Burra, Shetland (Alan Curry).

Pied Flycatcher, Holy Island, Northumberland (Jack Bucknall).

European Stonechat, Beeley Moor, Derbyshire (Chris Miles).

European Stonechat, Seasalter, Kent (Mark Chidwick).

Greenish Warbler, Fair Isle, Shetland (Alex Penn).

Written by: BirdGuides