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Highgate Common Staffordshire

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Image supplied by Andy Payne
Andy Payne

Site Location Details

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Site Details

Highgate Common was designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) in 2006 due to a nationally important collection of invertebrates, of which 34 are included in the Red Data Book of endangered species. Common Lizard and Slow Worm are also present.
The site covers approximately 235 acres and is a mix of woodland, lowland heathland, acidic grassland and some extensive areas of scruby woodland.
The Common's heathland area between Whitehouse Lane and Camp Hill Road is extensive used by local people and dog walkers so has relatively little birdlife to offer. However the surrounding woodland and the woodland north of Whitehouse Lane can provide a good collection of commoner species, while scarcer migrants may also be found.

Contact Details

Telephone: 01889 880100


Birding Sites in the Highgate Common Area

Prominent Species at Highgate Common

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From Wolverhampton follow the A449 south for approximately 6 miles until you pass the Dudley Arms public house. At the next set of traffic lights Highgate Common is sign-posted right with brown tourist signs.
At the traffic lights turn right and continue along this road until you reach another set of traffic lights. Turn left, following the signs, and head for Swindon.
Pass through Swindon keeping on the same road and head up a steep bank at the far end of the village. At the top of the bank turn right onto Whitehouse Lane and continue for just under 1 mile and you will reach the car parks for the site.
Parking on Whitehouse Lane car parks offer the entire site up for easy exploration.


The site has 9 open car parks and is an open access reserve. The site is heavily used by dog walkers so birds can be disturbed in the central heathland area between Whitehouse Lane and Camp Hill Road.
Visits during evenings are discouraged as the site has a well-known anti-social behaviour problem on the more secluded car parks.


9 car parks available, all free.


At present the toilet block is permanently locked to avoid anti-social behaviour. A new building including a warden's office, toilet facilities and meeting room should be completed by the end of 2009.

Key Areas / Routes

Heathland area between Whitehouse Lane and Camp Hill Road. Woodland area north of Camp Hill Road.

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The BirdGuides Team.

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