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Westport Mayo

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Westport Quay.
Josh Jones
Westport Quay.

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Site Details

A charming town on the southwest side of Clew Bay, Westport is an ideal base for a relaxed birdwatching trip to County Mayo. The quay offers decent estuarine birding, although a visit in conjunction with the rising tide is crucial to success.

Birding Sites in the Westport Area

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To reach Westport Quay, take the N59 west out of town centre and continue westwards along Quay Road. After 1km, the bay opens out in front of you. Take the right turn opposite The Helm bar and drive to the end of the road where, after passing the tall derelict building, there is a large car park (L972848). This gives extensive views over the bay. Alternatively, many of the small bays can be explored to the west of Westport on the L5840 coast road that heads southwest from The Quay to rejoin the R335.

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