
Van driver fined for running down wild bird


A van driver who killed a Canada Goose after deliberately driving into a flock of birds has been fined more than £1,000.

The incident, which was filmed and shared on social media, happened at Cleethorpes Boating Lake, Lincolnshire, on 24 October. An 18-year-old man from Messingham, also Lincolnshire, pleaded guilty to using a vehicle to kill a wild bird and driving without due care and attention.

The incident happened at Cleethorpes Boating Lake last October (Chris Teague).

Humberside Police branded the incident a "cruel and selfish act". The force had initially said it would not bring charges against the driver of the van, describing him as being "extremely remorseful". However, following a review, the driver was charged in December.

During the hearing at Grimsby Magistrates' Court the man also admitted a charge of killing a wild bird. He was ordered to pay fines totalling £1,085 and a victim surcharge of £100.

Insp Steve Peck said: "This was a cruel and selfish act which has understandably caused distress to the local community."