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Tue 07 May 2024

10:57 07/05

Some details of this Purple Heron sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

11:03 07/05

Some details of this Garganey sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Garganey sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Red-throated Pipit sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Purple Heron sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

11:11 07/05

Some details of this White Stork sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

11:14 07/05

Some details of this Common Quail sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

11:22 07/05
17:00 06/05

Some details of this European Honey Buzzard sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

11:23 07/05

Some details of this Snow Goose sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

11:23 07/05

Some details of this Garganey sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Western Cattle Egret sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Savi's Warbler sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

11:29 07/05

Some details of this Common Crane sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Red-breasted Flycatcher sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this White-billed Diver sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this White-spotted Bluethroat sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Temminck's Stint sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Garganey sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

11:37 07/05

Some details of this Caspian Gull sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Black Tern sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Black Redstart sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Western Cattle Egret sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Spotted Redshank sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Common Scoter sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

11:43 07/05

Some details of this Hooded Crow sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Long-tailed Duck sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

11:44 07/05

Some details of this Little Gull sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Red-breasted Goose sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Black-winged Stilt sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

11:55 07/05

Some details of this Garganey sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Ruddy Shelduck sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Pomarine Skua sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

12:04 07/05

Some details of this Black Tern sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

12:06 07/05

Some details of this Common Crane sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Common Scoter sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Garganey sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Ortolan Bunting sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Western Cattle Egret sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

12:18 07/05

Some details of this Osprey sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Western Cattle Egret sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Eurasian Spoonbill sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Ashy-headed Wagtail sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Glossy Ibis sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Greater Scaup sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

12:32 07/05

Some details of this Wood Sandpiper sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

12:38 07/05

Some details of this Osprey sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Garganey sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

12:45 07/05

Some details of this Firecrest sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Cinnamon Teal sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

12:54 07/05

Some details of this Kittiwake sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Ferruginous Duck sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

12:55 07/05

Some details of this Osprey sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Pied Flycatcher sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

12:57 07/05

Some details of this Hoopoe sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Little Stint sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

13:00 07/05

Some details of this Hoopoe sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Pallid/Montagu's Harrier sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Common Scoter sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

13:14 07/05

Some details of this Hawfinch sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

13:16 07/05

Some details of this Wryneck sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

13:19 07/05

Some details of this Osprey sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this European Honey Buzzard sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Northern Bullfinch sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Pied Flycatcher sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

13:25 07/05

Some details of this Icterine Warbler sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Montagu's Harrier sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

13:29 07/05

Some details of this White Stork sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Western Cattle Egret sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Long-tailed Skua sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Little Stint sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

13:32 07/05

Some details of this Garganey sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Arctic Tern sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Wood Sandpiper sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Spotted Redshank sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this White-tailed Eagle sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Montagu's Harrier sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

13:47 07/05

Some details of this Waxwing sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

13:47 07/05

Some details of this Garganey sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

13:49 07/05

Some details of this White Stork sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

13:50 07/05

Some details of this Curlew Sandpiper sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Lesser Yellowlegs sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Common Scoter sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Garganey sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Savi's Warbler sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

13:58 07/05

Some details of this Glossy Ibis sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

13:59 07/05

Some details of this Garganey sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

13:59 07/05

Some details of this Common Crane sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

14:03 07/05

Some details of this Garganey sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

14:08 07/05

Some details of this Gull-billed Tern sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Common Quail sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Red-backed Shrike sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Lesser Yellowlegs sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

14:24 07/05

Some details of this Roseate Tern sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

14:25 07/05

Some details of this Garganey sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Ortolan Bunting sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Savi's Warbler sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

14:28 07/05

Some details of this Garganey sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

Some details of this Little Stint sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

14:32 07/05

Some details of this European Bee-eater sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

14:32 07/05

Some details of this Red Kite sighting are only available to our subscribers. Please login or subscribe to view this information.

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Sightings 7801 - 7900 (of 9,185)