
Welsh nestbox project studies climate change impact


A nestbox study led by Aberystwyth University aims to understand the impact of climate change on breeding competition between birds.

Climate change is affecting the breeding patterns of different species of birds: Great Tits, for example, are laying their eggs two weeks earlier today than they were in the 1960s. The breeding patterns of various species are affected by temperature and changes in spring temperatures could lead to more competition between them for food as well as fewer eggs laid.

The research will see a number of nestboxes studied at different altitudes in Aberystwyth and woodlands in the surrounding area.

Pied Flycatcher is one of the woodland species the researchers hope to study (Neil Turney).


Climate change and nesting patterns

Dr Peter Korsten, from Aberystwyth University's Department of Life Sciences, said: "It's exciting to get started on this project, as the first birds arrive at their new nesting sites this year.

"The purpose of the study is to improve our understanding of the effect that climate change has on the relationship between different species, particularly woodland birds. We know that a warmer spring is already leading to birds breeding earlier, and we hope to understand more about how this might affect the competition between different bird species

"Forecasting the impacts of climate change on biological diversity is an important and urgent challenge. Studies of nestbox-breeding birds have been crucial for documenting changes in breeding phenology in response to climate change, but the impact of ongoing environmental change on competitive interactions between species within ecological communities is unclear.

"More generally, it is important for us as a society to understand how climate change affects biodiversity. Looking to the future, I do hope this initial project will be the basis for developing a resource and longer-term studies for further research here in Aberystwyth."


Nestbox research

Isobel Griffith, a fourth-year student at the University's Department of Life Science studying wildlife conservation, is helping with the project. She commented: "I have really enjoyed checking the nestboxes this year, especially seeing the nests develop from week to week.

"It is great to have this chance to help with the research. I am passionate about biodiversity and learning more about how birds are impacted by climate change is fascinating."