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Upper Teesdale NNR Durham

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Low Force.
Dave Dunford
Low Force.

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Site Details

Moor House-Upper Teesdale NNR is situated around the headwaters of the River Tees in the high Pennines of west Durham/east Cumbria.

Birding Sites in the Upper Teesdale NNR Area

Additional Site Details


The Reserve is situated near the towns of Alston, Appleby and Middleton-in-Teesdale. The main roads in the area are the B6277, the A686, and the A66. There are four car parks in the area, at Cow Green, High Force, Hanging Shaw and Bowlees. There is an infrequent bus service to Langdon Beck. There is disabled access on a track from the Cow Green car park to the River Tees, across Widdybank Fell, although this is only recommended in the Summer. For the Moor House section of the Reserve, take either of the public bridleways from Garrigill, or to the radar station from Knock.


The Pennine Way crosses the Reserve from Holwick Head Bridge, in Teesdale, to Cross Fell. There is a good network of Public Rights of Way throughout the Reserve and, on Widdybank Fell, a nature trail some 5 kilometres in length. There are public toilets at High Force, with disabled toilets at Bowlees and Middleton-in-Teesdale. There is a toilet at Cow Green during the Summer months. There are refreshment facilities available at Langdon Beck Hotel, High Force Hotel, the Post Office at Garrigill and also in Bowlees. Leaflets and display panels are available for visitor information on site or from local Tourist Information Centres or from the Northumbria Team. The best time to visit the site is between May and July, for the breeding birds and hay meadows.

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