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Cotgrave CP Nottinghamshire

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Site Details

A disused coalmine, reclaimed by Notts County Council into a Country Park, Agricultural land and proposed building land. Thousands of trees and shrubs have been planted and there are several lakes that attract water fowl. There is a good system of gravel pathways throughout the park. The old Nottingham-Grantham Canal passes through the park and this provides a corridor of established habitat that includes reedbeds and good growths of hawthorn and willow. The eastern end has a rough area of shallow pools, reeds and bulrushes which has recently held good numbers of both Common and Jack Snipe. This site will improve for birds as the habitats become more established.

Birding Sites in the Cotgrave CP Area

Prominent Species at Cotgrave CP

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Cotgrave Village is just to the south east of Nottingham and can be easily reached from the A52 Grantham road, the A606 Melton Road and the A46 Fosse Way. The Park is to the immediate north of the village.


Good paths throughout the park.


There are car parks at either end of the Park where the lanes from both the north and east of the village pass over the canal at SK638367 and SK653359.

Opening Times

At all times.


A picnic area and childs play ground but no toilets.

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