
Photo of the Week: 29 January-4 February 2024


Common Buzzard by Colin Harvey



Common Buzzard is such a ubiquitous and often numerous bird across Britain these days that birders could be forgiven for barely raising their binoculars at the sight of one. However, Colin Harvey's super image is a reminder of just how impressive buzzards are and how we shouldn't take them for granted. It also shouldn't be forgotten that it wasn't all that long ago that this species was scarce or absent from large swathes of the country due to historical persecution.

Like many other species, Common Buzzard is becoming increasingly active and vocal as the days lengthen and the temperatures gradually climb from the depths of midwinter, and the classic 'mewing' call can be readily heard throughout spring. The bird in Colin's shot is clearly vocalising and it's easy to imagine how impressively loud it must have been at sounded close range. We often see buzzards perched in trees or soaring on thermals, but how often have you witnessed one adopt a display posture such as this, with tail spread wide? Well done to Colin on an unusual yet highly effective take on this beautiful bird of prey.


Other notable images


Common Goldeneye, Frampton Marsh RSPB, Lincolnshire (Ian Bollen).

Common Goldeneye, Ogmore Estuary, Glamorgan (Tate Lloyd).

Baikal Teal, Greylake RSPB, Somerset & Bristol (Ian Curran).

Ring-necked Duck, Longtown, Cumbria (Sam Northwood).

Black-necked Grebe, La Rocque, Jersey (Romano Da Costa).

Eurasian Coot, Ham Wall RSPB, Somerset & Bristol (Alex Montacute).

Great Cormorant, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland (Christopher Bennett).

Great Cormorant, Leighton Moss RSPB, Lancashire (Paul Bateson).

Sanderling, Out Head, Fife (Douglas Dickson).

Eurasian Goshawk, undisclosed site, Britain & Ireland (Mike Warburton).

Great Tit, Market Drayton, Shropshire (Gordon Speirs).

Eurasian Bullfinch, Antrim, Antrim (Jonathan Rosborough).

Black Redstart, Brean Down, Somerset & Bristol (Carl Bovis).

Written by: BirdGuides