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Sutton Bingham Reservoir Somerset

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Forster's Tern
John Wall
06 April 2023
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Site Location Details

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Site Details

A medium-sized reservoir located to the south of Yeovil, providing a good site for wintering wildfowl, and surrounding habitat ideal for passerines. The reservoir is owned by Wessex Water. Common farmland species can be seen in the fields immediately surrounding the reservoir, while annual specialties include Osprey, Peregrine and Common Sandpiper. Recent years have produced rarities such as Little Egret and American Wigeon.

Birding Sites in the Sutton Bingham Reservoir Area

Additional Site Details


From Yeovil head south on the A37 to Dorchester. After approx. 2 miles turn right towards Sutton Bingham. Continue on this minor road for a couple of miles until you reach the reservoir.


Viewing from road at several points and access to a hide.


There are several parking places off the road along the western side of the reservoir, with a main car park at the end of the dam.

Opening Times

Any reasonable time.


Car park and toilets open during spring, summer and autumn, not always open in the winter months.

Key Areas / Routes

Viewing from the dam can provide good views of roosting gulls and commoner water species. The southern end of the reservoir is often more productive, especially when water levels are low.

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