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Bamburgh Northumberland

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Image supplied by Dave Dunford
Dave Dunford

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Site Details

Bamburgh's spectacular castle, history and beaches make it popular with holidaymakers and tourists. It is a busy place in summer but the rest of the year is for birdwatching. The most popular area is Harkness Rocks, known locally as Stag Rocks because of a white deer painted on them. They are reached along The Wynding, a dead-end road to the Golf Club. Seawatching over The Sound to The Farne Islands is good and this is the best place in the county to see Purple Sandpiper. The other main areas are the footpath north skirting the golf course towards Budle Point and the extensive dunes and Castle Wood to the southeast of the Village.

Birding Sites in the Bamburgh Area

Prominent Species at Bamburgh

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Bamburgh is about an hour's drive from Newcastle and may be approached via Seahouses on B1340 or by remaining on the A1(T) and taking either the B1341 north of Warenford or the B1342 from Belford.




Car parks in the Village are evident as are no parking areas. The Village and Castle are tourist attractions and parking restrictions are necessary. Parking on The Wynding is not a problem once past the houses. Park by the foreshore or on the cliff-top at Stag Rock. The Golf Club car park is private and you must not park in the turning area.


There are toilets, public telephones and several places to 'refresh' yourself in the Village.

Key Areas / Routes

a. Harkness Rocks (Stag Rocks). Take care here in heavy weather as the waves can wash right over the promontory. b. The coastline north to Budle Bay. c. The sand dunes and Castle Wood to the southeast of the Village.

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